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What does a Gym Bento do best?

Curious minds want to know

Inspired by Japanese bento box lunches, the Gym Bento by Asher Athletic was designed with organization and easy access to essential stuff in mind. This hardshell case is compact yet stores a lot!

Because gymnastics doesn't have a traditional way to carry equipment like many other sports, Asher Athletic sees opportunity to create something new, fun, and extremely useful for the athlete.

Not just for gymnastics or gymnasts!

Beyond practical use for gymnastics and the several gymnastics disciplines, the Gym Bento is amazing for personal gym and fitness equipment, personal storage, hobby store, and more!

This high quality hardshell case is great for a multitude of essential carrying needs and situations, including: 

  • For travel (compact & hardshell for specific needs)

Gym Bento for travel

  • For the gym and working out (inside divider is removable)

  • For the car (seasonal, convenience, emergency)

Gym Bento for the car

  • For your gymnastics gear!

 Visit the product page for more info and to buy!

And here was the inspiration for the gymnastics gear Gym Bento... a delicious bento box lunch! ^.^ I hope you enjoy the Gym Bento for its organization, fun, and simplicity.