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A Star Is Born!

Say What?

Yeah I know. What would the Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies have anything to do with Asher Athletic

The short answer is not much, but in an odd twist of fate, the Gym Bento (Classic Red) has found its way onto the set of a Hallmark movie currently being filmed on location in Colorado Springs, Colorado. My hometown!

This came about thanks to a family friend assisting the director of this movie, Brandon Clark.

In the on location photo below, Brandon Clark is posed between the lead actors, Trevor Donovan and Rachel Boston.

The Engagement Plot Hallmark Movie Cast Colorado Springs On Location

The Gym Bento is being used as a prop for carrying fishing tackle by the lead actor in an upcoming Hallmark movie titled The Engagement Plot.

 Hallmark movie on location gym bento

Interesting Points To Note

What we see on screen is obviously very different than what is being filmed. It is difficult to know what is happening in this scene with one shot only. Maybe we can try to infer some things for fun?

Firstly, the actor doesn't seem to be moving much. Maybe waiting for "Action!"? Otherwise this is a very stiff pose.

If the actor is 'fishing' in this scene, the hand props are sort of odd (but yay bento!). Plus the river is missing, with a walkway instead laid out before him.

Maybe the director will only want a bust shot for an idyllic back drop made of a cool second generation J40 Toyota Land Cruiser and pine trees to promote a rugged, yet wholesome Colorado atmosphere.


Hey! It's A Film

My mother loves Hallmark movies. Loves them. I always teased her about this before but I may have to take things a little more seriously from now on.

Who knows if the Gym Bento will make it onto the big screen – highly unlikely– but if it does, mark my words; I will from that point forward refer to all Hallmark movies as films. For in my view, they will be so much more than just made for TV movies.

Get yours here! Great for the car, other sports, and many organizational needs as well. 


A Few Gym Bento Product Images

Available in Classic Red & Falken Blue.